Java GDSII Parser (JGDSParser) 

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JGDSParser Usage

Usage: java -jar JGDSPARSER-cmp-x.x.jar [-version] [-help] [-log logfile] [-nogui] [-gdsin <filename>]
-version displays the application revision.
-help displays the usage.
-log sets the logfile path.
-nogui disables the gui for batch mode.
-gdsin <filename> sets the GDSII filename to read in.

JGDSParser Invocation

In order to run JGDSParser, first download and untar/unzip the application. Contained in the distribution is a executable jarfile named JGDSParser-cmp-x.x.jar (where x.x denotes the revision of the application). In order to execute JGDSParser on Windows(tm) systems, ensure you have Java 1.5 Runtime or later installed and double click on the executable jarfile. On linux/unix systems from a terminal window, type the following:

java -jar JGDSPARSER-cmp-1.0.jar <options>

For example, to display the usage you would type the following:

java -jar JGDSPARSER-cmp-1.0.jar -usage


GDSII is the primary format used to transfer physical data representing circuit layout generated from EDA/CAD tools . The GDSII stream format is originally based on the CALMA format which is now obsolete. Below is a Bachus Naur representation of the GDSII stream syntax.

                                    <stream>     :: 
                                    HEADER BGNLIB [LIBDIRSIZE] [SRFNAME] [LIBSECUR]
                                    LIBNAME [REFLIBS] [FONTS] [ATTRTABLE]
                                    [GENERATIONS] [<formattype>] UNITS {<structure>}*

                                    <formattype> :: 
                                    FORMAT | FORMAT {MASK}+ ENDMASKS

                                    <structure>  :: 
                                    BGNSTR STRNAME [STRCLASS] {<element>}* ENDSTR

                                    <element>  :: 
                                    {<boundary> | <path> | <sref> | <aref> | 
                                    <text> | <node> | <box>} {<property>}*

                                    <boundary>  :: 
                                    BOUNDARY [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER DATATYPE XY
                                    <path>  :: 
                                    PATH  [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER DATATYPE [PATHTYPE] [WIDTH] [BGNEXTN]
                                    [ENDEXTN] XY

                                    <sref>  :: 
                                    SREF [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] SNAME [<strans>] XY

                                    <aref>  :: 
                                    AREF [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] SNAME [<strans>] COLROW XY

                                    <text>  :: 
                                    TEXT [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER <textbody>

                                    <node>  :: 
                                    NODE [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER NODETYPE XY

                                    <box>  :: 
                                    BOX [ELFLAGS] [PLEX] LAYER BOXTYPE XY

                                    <textbody>  :: 
                                    TEXTTYPE [PRESENTATION] [PATHTYPE] [WIDTH] [<strans>] XY STRING

                                    <strans>  :: 
                                    STRANS [MAG] [ANGLE]

                                    <property>  :: 
                                    PROPATTR PROPVALUE

Please see The GDSII techincal reference for a more complete discussion of the GDSII stream syntax.

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